
EkoParallelButton is an abstract class for a button part of a parallel node.
This button extends EkoButton and adds some additional parallel specific functionality.

Use this button class if you are overriding an Eko Studio button which is part of a parallel and you want to keep it’s
parallel behavior (for example, will not be clickable if its channel is the current selected channel).

See: EkoButton

// Creating a component that extends EkoDecisionButton:

import EkoUIComponents from 'EkoUIComponents';

export default class EkoParallelButton extends EkoUIComponents.EkoButton {
    clickHandler() {
        if (this.getChannelIndex() === 0) {
             alert('first channel clicked');


ekoUIComponents.EkoParallelButton.getClassnames() ⇒ string

Behaves like the super class of EkoButton, in addition adds the following classes:
‘selected’ - whether this button is currently selected in the parallel.
‘disabled’ - whether this button should be uninteractable for the user (pointer-events:none).

ekoUIComponents.EkoParallelButton.getChannelIndex() ⇒ string

Convenience method for getting the channel index configured for this component.
If no such handler is defined this function returns null.

Returns: string - integer indicating the index number or string ‘prev’/‘next’ matching Eko Studio previous & next action options or null.

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